Terpenes are a class of hydrocarbons produced by many plants and is mainly contained in the sap and cell vacuoles. In plants, class of terpene compounds and modifications, terpenoids, a secondary metabolite. Terpenes and terpenoids produced also by a number of animals, especially insects and some marine animals.
Terpenes and terpenoids compiled many essential oils produced by plants. The content of essential oils affect the use of spice products, both as a condiment, as a perfume, as well as a medical, health, and accompanying rituals. Common names of this class of compounds is often taken from a volatile oil containing it. Furthermore, the name of the oil itself is taken from the name (Latin name) became the source when the plant was first identified. For example is citral, derived from oil extracted from orange (Citrus). Another example is eugenol, taken from the oil produced by cloves (Eugenia aromatica).
Terpenoids called isoprenoids. This is understandable because the framework constituent terpenes and terpenoids are isoprene (C5H8).
Terpenes have a basic formula (C5H8) n, where n is the determinant of the type of terpene. Modified terpene (called terpenoids, meaning "similar to terpene") is a compound with a similar structure but can not be expressed with the basic formula. Both of these groups make up a lot of essential oils.
- Hemiterpena, n = 1, only isoprene
- Hemiterpenoid, for example prenol, isovalerat acid
- Monoterpena, n = 2, for example mircena, limonena, and ocimena
- Monoterpenoid, for example geraniol
- Sesquiterpene, n = 3, for example farnesen
- Seskuiterpenoid, eg farnesol, kurkumena, bisabolol
- Diterpena, n = 4, for example cembrena
- Diterpenoid, for example kafestol
- Triterpena, n = 6, for example skualena
- Triterpenoids, for example lanosterol, the basic material for steroid compounds
- Tetraterpena, n = 8, for example, is lycopene, carotenE
- Polyterpenes, n large, for example, is rubber and gutta-percha.
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Geraniol is a primary alcohol found in geranium, lemongrass, lemon, and other oils. Used primarily in perfumery.
Geraniol has more value as a substitute for oil produced from a rose oil produced from the leaves of lemongrass.
Lemongrass oil production in Indonesia is one of the largest in the world, this is because Indonesia is a good place for plants to grow lemongrass. Lemongrass oil isolated from leaves of fragrant lemongrass Java (Cymbopogon winterianus jowwit). During this time, lemongrass oil is exported to foreign countries in the form of pure lemongrass oil so that less bring in foreign exchange, so it is necessary to attempt to increase the value of lemongrass oil. This research will be conducted geraniol component separation of lemongrass oil.
Geraniol has broad benefits in the field of cosmetics, animal husbandry and health
Geraniol found in geranium plants and citrus. This compound is insoluble in water, but soluble in common organic solvents and cyclization was more difficult than the other compounds.
Configuration of cis-to nerol and trans- to geraniol causes cyclization of geraniol to be more difficult for the cyclization.
It smells pungent and often used as a perfume. Lemongrass oil can be isolated from the leaves of the lemongrass scented steam distillation method. Lemongrass oil distillate extracted with ether to separate it from the water. To improve the content geraniolnya, lemongrass oil hydrolyzed with NaOH in ethanol for 1 hour to hydrolyze geranil acetate into geraniol.Identification of compounds geraniol performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
Geraniol found in geranium plants and citrus. This compound is insoluble in water, but soluble in common organic solvents and cyclization was more difficult than the other compounds.
Configuration of cis-to nerol and trans- to geraniol causes cyclization of geraniol to be more difficult for the cyclization.
It smells pungent and often used as a perfume. Lemongrass oil can be isolated from the leaves of the lemongrass scented steam distillation method. Lemongrass oil distillate extracted with ether to separate it from the water. To improve the content geraniolnya, lemongrass oil hydrolyzed with NaOH in ethanol for 1 hour to hydrolyze geranil acetate into geraniol.Identification of compounds geraniol performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
Lemongrass scented leaf weighing 10 kg produces citronella oil as 42.5 mL (0.373%) with clear yellow shiny distinctive smell of lemongrass and has a refractive index of 1.4755. Data lemongrass oil GC chromatogram shows geraniol content as much as 65.34%. Geraniol enrichment NaOH solution in ethanol resulted in the hydrolysis reaction geranil acetate into geraniol which increases to 81.96% geraniol content.
my question:
BalasHapus1. why geraniol difficult to dissolve in water, but soluble in organic solvents, and why the cyclization of geraniol was slightly more difficult than the other compounds?
2. we used to know geraniol as the manufacture of anti-mosquito lotion, and effective as an insect repellent chemicals. but in other products, such as tobacco companies using geraniol as one additive to enhance flavor cigarettes. if there are dangers posed due to the use of geraniol on cigarettes?